How it works

With Züriplausch you can quickly and easily find suitable restaurants, cafés or bars in Zurich and the surrounding area. Divided into the categories kitchen, event and location, you have ~60 tags to choose from, which can be combined. You can also use the full text search to search for selected restaurant names. You can view all recommendations either as a list or on a map.

Each recommendation is portrayed with a short text and pictures. In addition, links take you directly to the website, reservation, menu and you can display the route on Google Maps.

Selected tags explained briefly:

Lunch: The restaurant is open at lunchtime.

Garden:  In most restaurants you can also sit outside: In most restaurants you can also sit outside. Restaurants, which are characterized by a particularly beautiful outside area, are marked by this day.

approx. 10 minutes on foot:The restaurant is approx. 700 metres away as the crow flies (the accuracy depends on the device used).

Vegetarian/Vegan:The restaurant specialises in vegetarian and/or vegan cuisine or offers an entire menu.

Healthy / Clean Food:The ingredients of the dishes are as natural as possible, unprocessed and without any additives.